Take Control of Your Career in 5 Steps

Take Control of Your Career in 5 Steps

April 30th, 2015

Are you just going through the motions at work? Working for the weekend? You’re not alone. According to a Gallup study published in the Harvard Business Review, only 16% of Canadians are engaged in their jobs. So it’s not just you. But remember, your career is your career and you alone are responsible for its growth and direction. Here is how to take control of your career in 5 steps:

The Best Interview Technique There Is

The Best Interview Technique There Is

April 23rd, 2015

So you’re looking to hire a new team member. You (or your HR department) have screened candidates and identified the top players in the industry, and now it’s time to interview. Your mind may drift toward strategies you’ve used in the past, or what you remember from being interviewed: “What are your top 3 strengths and weaknesses” or “tell me about a time…”
Stop. There’s a better way.

6 Things To Do While You Wait To Hear Back On A Job

6 Things To Do While You Wait To Hear Back On A Job

April 16th, 2015

A company you’d like to work for has just interviewed you. Now the waiting game begins. As a candidate, the next few days can be stressful as you keep checking your phone or email inbox for any news. But there are things you could do to ease the uncertainty … and they might even help you land the job.

4 HR Thought Leaders You MUST Follow

4 HR Thought Leaders You MUST Follow

April 9th, 2015

There has never been so much online content to choose from and only so many hours in a day. To help you cut through the noise, I’ve compiled a list of the top 4 HR leaders you should start following, my favourite posts, and how to follow them.

Meet the Headhunter: Randy Quarin, Co-Founder & Emerging Technology Recruiter

Meet the Headhunter: Randy Quarin, Co-Founder & Emerging Technology Recruiter

April 2nd, 2015

Who are your heroes in business?
My dad (with my mom’s support). He and my uncle ran a construction company called Quarin Brothers for 30 years. In the same vein, my heroes are every small business person who has an idea, empties his/her wallet, and gives their soul into building something.

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