Review websites are very popular online. It seems like there are review websites for just about anything, employment included. Employer review websites have become a popular tool for people to use when researching companies they would like to potentially work for in the future.

According to Toronto recruiters, job seekers give importance to and are influenced by what they read in these reviews. It is a form of word of mouth recommendation. They are treated as a firsthand account of what it would be like to work for your company.

For companies that are hiring, if you are concerned about attracting and hiring new talent, online review management should be part of your overall recruiting strategy.

3 Ways Job Seekers Are Influenced by Online Employer Reviews

Toronto recruiters explain the importance of online employer reviews

Here are three very important reasons why you need to pay attention to employer reviews:

1. Applications

Having poor online reviews and negative comments from previous employees can influence a person’s decision about whether to apply for an available job. If you have strong reviews, there is a greater likelihood they will apply than if you had a large number of negative reviews.

2. Influence on Which Employment Offer They Take

Online reviews also play a role when a candidate is choosing between multiple offers. Strong online employer reviews could be the deciding factor for a candidate to choose your offer over another.

3. Referrals

Negative employer reviews can hurt your company’s ability to get general referrals for top talent in your industry. People will be less likely to suggest your company to other job seekers.

What Can Companies Do About Negative Reviews?

Negative reviews happen. No company is perfect. Having a plan to manage online reviews is important. Some may argue it’s just as important as generating positive reviews. Monitor online reviews and when a negative review is posted, investigate. See what happened and what can be done to improve the situation. It may be a sign that a bigger issue exists internally. You can also reply to reviews to show applicants you are proactive and have a plan to address internal issues as they arise.

Read More From Toronto Recruiters About the Importance of Employer Branding

Get more information about how to improve your employer brand by checking out these blogs by our expert Toronto headhunters:

What’s Your Brand? How It Impacts Your Recruiting Efforts

3 Ways to Create a Better Employer Brand by Improving Your Candidate Experience

Tips to Create a Desirable Employer Brand Using Social Media

5 Benefits of Having a Top Employer Brand in the Marketing Industry


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Mark Rouse Marketing Recruiter

Mark Rouse

Mark leads Canada’s largest Marketing Communications & Media recruitment practice. Leveraging close to two decades of industry experience in the Marketing Services and Agency businesses, he has been responsible for hiring, developing, and retaining top talent as Vice-President with companies such as Young & Rubicam, Wunderman, and J. Walter Thompson.

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