Have you outgrown your current job? Of the more than 500 hires we worked with last year, a good portion of them were looking for a new opportunity because they’ve outgrown their current role. They accomplished everything they could do and were ready to take on the next challenge. You see this a lot in healthcare in addition to many other fields. So, I asked our healthcare recruiters to list some common signs it’s time to move on. Here is what they came up with:

How do you know you’ve outgrown your role? 8 top signs

Here’s a list of the top signs you should consider a job change:

  1. Lack of challenge: Your tasks are easy and repetitive, and you don’t feel like you’re learning anything new. You might constantly find yourself finishing work early with nothing left to do.
  2. No opportunities for growth: There are no clear paths for advancement within your current company, or the roles you might move into don’t seem appealing. You feel stuck and unable to reach your full potential. There are minimal promotion options. 
  3. Feeling undervalued: You consistently exceed expectations but don’t get recognized or rewarded for your contributions. You might feel like your skills and experience aren’t being fully utilized.
  4. You’ve lost interest in the company or industry: The company culture or industry trends no longer resonate with you. You might find yourself constantly daydreaming about other career paths.
  5. Your well-being is suffering: Your job is causing you stress, anxiety, or a general feeling of unhappiness. It might be affecting your sleep, relationships, or overall health.
  6. Declining productivity: Even though you find the work easy, you might struggle to stay focused or motivated, leading to missed deadlines or lower-quality work. You’ve become complacent.
  7. Increased negativity: You find yourself constantly complaining about your job, colleagues, or company culture. You’ve lost the positive outlook you once had. 
  8. Constant job searching: You can’t help but browse job boards or research other companies, even if you’re not actively applying. You’ve become a passive candidate

Overall, you feel stuck. There is nowhere for you to go, you’re unchallenged and you feel like it’s time for a change. So, what do you do if you feel this way? Below are some steps to take once you realize you’ve outgrown your role.

What are the steps to take once you recognize you’ve outgrown your job? Here’s 8.

Recognizing you’ve outgrown your job is the first step to making a change. Then you need to dedicate time to explore your options. Here are some steps to take as you reflect on your situation:

  1. Identify your ideal work environment: What kind of work culture, schedule, and growth opportunities are important to you?
  2. Values and passions: What kind of work would be personally fulfilling and align with your interests?
  3. Research different career paths: Explore different fields and roles that might be a good fit for your skills and goals. Talk to people in those fields to learn more about their day-to-day work.
  4. Seek mentorship and advice: Find someone who can guide you and provide advice on how to advance your career. Connect with people in your desired field on LinkedIn or attend industry events.
  5. Talk to your manager: Discuss your desire for growth and explore opportunities for taking on new challenges or responsibilities within your current role. They may be able to help. 
  6. Look for internal job openings first: Keep an eye out for positions within the company that better utilize your skills and interests.
  7. Update your resume and portfolio: Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience relevant to your target career path. This exercise can help you refine what you want your next role to look like. 
  8. Start your job search: Research companies and positions that align with your goals and start applying.

Remember, this process takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find the right opportunity right away. 


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Kayla Vangorkum Healthcare Recruiter author

Kayla Vangorkum

Kayla Vangorkum is a Director, Client Services within the Healthcare and Life Sciences team at IQ PARTNERS. She has helped connect thousands of candidates and hiring leaders over her 7+ years in the recruitment industry and is fluent in both English and French. Kayla specializes in executive search and recruitment for all roles across the health sciences industry; her areas of expertise include Healthcare, Digital Health, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Device, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dental, and Sciences. She has experience with recruiting across a range of environments, including CSO, Corporate, Start-up and Consulting.

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