Yet another generation will soon enter the workforce – Generation Alpha. This group is only a few short years away from starting a career and it’s something companies should start thinking about when recruiting. Like clothes, Gen Alpha is different and has unique considerations that hiring companies must address to recruit the best of this new generation of workers. 

Our headhunters in Toronto always look forward to the future of work. We’ve done it for years and it’s a key part of what makes us an industry leader. We’re always analyzing trends, economic developments, industries, and cohorts to ensure we understand what will come. Below is an overview of what Generation Alpha will bring to the table.

What is Generation Alpha?

Generation Alpha refers to the generation of people born between approximately 2010 and 2024. They are the first generation born entirely in the 21st century and are often called “digital natives” as they have grown up with technology as an integral part of their lives.

The older members of this cohort will start entering the workforce in the near future and will bring a new set of skills, perspectives, and preferences with them. 

What Makes Generation Alpha Unique? 5 Characteristics To Consider 

All generations share some similarities, but they also have characteristics that make them unique. Here are the top 5 things that make Gen Alpha different:

  1. Digital Proficiency: Gen Alpha is extremely comfortable with technology, often from a very young age. It’s second nature to them.
  2. Short Attention Spans: They are accustomed to fast-paced digital content, leading to shorter attention spans than previous generations.  
  3. Diverse and Inclusive: Growing up in a more diverse and inclusive world, they are generally more open-minded and accepting.  
  4. Environmental Consciousness: Many are aware of climate change and other environmental issues and are more likely to be concerned about sustainability.
  5. Independent Learners: With access to information at their fingertips, they are often self-motivated learners.  

What Will Gen Alpha Bring to the Future of Work? Top 3 Things to Watch

What can employers expect when they start recruiting and hiring this new generation of talent? Here are some of the skills, knowledge, and perspectives Gen Alpha will bring to the future of work:

  1. They have an entrepreneurial mindset: Gen Alpha isn’t satisfied with having a traditional career. They want more. According to a Visa study, 76% aspire to be their own boss or have a ‘side hustle’.
  2. They expect flexible work options: No surprise here. Like Gen Z, Alpha will seek opportunities to work remotely have have a flexible work schedule. 
  3. They will embrace and leverage new tech: 40% of Gen Alpha think artificial intelligence, virtual reality, smart assistants, and other tech will be integral to their future careers.

Generation Alpha is the future. Your company’s success can hinge on your ability to attract and hire this new generation of workers. Now is the time to start thinking about how you’ll recruit them.

Check Out These Insights From Our Headhunters in Toronto

Younger Workers Are Becoming Less Engaged Over Time. Why Is That?

Gen Zers Are Not Happy – How to Engage and Retain Your Gen Z Employees

How to Motivate and Train Your Gen Z Workers to Become Manager

Rhys Metler Sales Recruiter

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a VP, Client Services of IQ PARTNERS‘ Sales practice and leads the SalesForce Search recruitment team. He specializes in prospecting new business relationships, client retention and renewals, and building top performing Sales teams in even the most challenging environments.

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