“I’ve lost four employees to you headhunters in three months.  None of them would have left if a headhunter hadn’t lured them away!”


As headhunters, we hear this a lot.  The reality is, there just isn’t Recruiter-Proof Your Businessenough A+ talent to go around, so they will always be in demand… and headhunters will always call.  Since IQ PARTNERS is committed to helping our clients hire better, hire less, and retain more, we created a seven step guide to recruiter-proof your business using research and first-hand interviews with top companies like Google, Deloitte, LoyaltyOne, TD Bank, and Achievers.  Each month we’ll share a little from each of the seven steps, starting with step one – forewarned is forearmed!  Click here to download the guide now, or read on for a teaser from step one.

Forewarned is Forearmed!

Surprisingly most business leaders have no idea what their competition is doing.  In step one we discuss the importance of knowing:

  • Fair market compensation
  • What your competitors are doing
  • Market trends and open jobs
  • What people are saying about working for you


We consider why it’s important for business leaders to inform themselves, and ways to do this in order to be successful.  Given the information age we live in, the easiest and fastest way to keep on top of things is to use social media, a quick and easy ‘win’ that all business leaders should utilize.

Top company Costco pays close attention to what its competitors pay, and currently pays employees twice the market rate… and it’s working.  Costco has an impressively low turnover rate of only 5 percent.

Our research has shown that successful growth companies are employing these strategies, and conversely, failure to understand your market, employees, and competitors can ultimately lead to failure.

For more on staying informed as the first step to building an engaged workforce, download the full guide, Recruiter-Proof Your Business: 7 Strategies to Retain Your Top Employees.


IQ PARTNERS is an Executive Search & Recruitment firm with offices in Toronto and Vancouver. We help companies hire better, hire less & retain more. We have teams of specialist recruiters in Financial Services & Insurance, Marketing Communications & Media, Emerging Tech & Telecom, Consumer Goods & Retail, B2B & Industrial, Technology, Accounting & Finance, HR & Operations, Mining & Engineering, Life Sciences, and Construction, Property & Real Estate. IQ PARTNERS has its head office in Toronto and operates internationally via Aravati Global Search Network. Click here to view current job openings and to register with us.

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