We all know there is no shortage of people working from home these days. A fair portion of them are doing it with kids at home. Trying to find a balance between keeping up your work performance, watching the kids, remote learning, and caring for the house is no easy feat. It can feel like you have no time for yourself.

how to work from home with kids

There are some minor things that you can do to make things more manageable. Try these tips our recruitment agency has acquired over the past year to make sure your work performance doesn’t slip:


1. Start Earlier

As they say, the early bird gets the worm. Many parents have had success by getting up before the kids and getting their workday started. You can use that time you used to spend in traffic or commuting to the office to get a head start on the day. A lot of people find they are more productive first thing in the morning.

2. Prioritize Your Workload

Let’s be honest. You are going to get distracted and interrupted by your kids during the day. It’s inevitable. Unforeseen things will pop up. Prioritize your daily tasks so you get the most important jobs done first.

3. Set Clear Rules and Boundaries

We’ve all seen the video of the dad on a conference call while his kids busted into his office. If you don’t want this to happen to you, setting clear boundaries is a must. Talk with your kids about what you expect of them when you are working. Many parents have a rule that if the office or workspace door is closed, do not enter.

4. Take Advantage of Nap Time

Naptime is a golden opportunity for you to get some peace and quiet to get some work done. It is a great time to schedule important meetings and to work on tasks that require your complete, undivided attention.

5. Plan Activities and Snacks for the Kids

Keeping the kids occupied throughout the day is a must. Try to plan a series of activities to keep them busy. Plan and make snacks in advance. It’s also okay to relax screen time periodically if you really need to get something done. You can also try to create a schedule for the kids and for yourself. The structure can help kids know what to expect during the day.

6. Take Some Time for Yourself

Everyone needs a break. You need time for yourself. You need to decompress and care for your personal needs. For some parents, this means getting out and going for a walk or grabbing a coffee. For others, it’s getting in a workout or reading a book. Make some time to do the things you enjoy, or you can start to wear yourself out mentally and physically. When you allow yourself to recharge, you will be more focused when working, even with the kids in the background.

7. Be Realistic With Yourself

Working from home has its own set of unique challenges. What you can accomplish at home will be different from what you can get done at the office. Having kids at home adds a completely new layer to this. Be patient with your kids and with yourself. Find what works for you to maximize your productivity.

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Randy Quarin Executive Search

Randy Quarin

Randy co-founded IQ PARTNERS in 2001 and currently operates as a Senior Partner, focusing on business development within executive search, media, and sales recruitment. His accomplishments include building over a dozen digital media sales teams for digital start-ups, publishers, and mobile app developers. He has also helped launch an international smartphone manufacturer from the ground up, building its entire hardware, software, and sales teams.

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