Why You Haven’t Been Promoted Yet

Why You Haven’t Been Promoted Yet

May 23rd, 2017

We all want to get promoted. Finance and accounting professionals, such as yourself, are competitive, driven, and want to take the next step in their careers. You work hard, meet performance standards, and believe you are a good employee. So, why haven’t you been promoted yet?

How Marketers Can Show Their Creative Side in Job Interviews

How Marketers Can Show Their Creative Side in Job Interviews

May 19th, 2017

Many marketers are creative. However, saying you are creative is very different than actually showing that you are creative – especially during a 30-minute job interview. You have limited time to communicate and explain your creative side to interviewers. But it can be done. You just need to be creative about how you show your creative side!

Key Factors in Attracting Top Talent – It’s Not All About Money

Key Factors in Attracting Top Talent – It’s Not All About Money

May 16th, 2017

Attracting top talent isn’t always about the money. In fact, there are many other compensatory factors, in addition to organizational culture and work environment, that go into a candidate’s thought process when considering a career move.

Happy Mother’s Day! 8 Job Interview Tips from Mom

Happy Mother’s Day! 8 Job Interview Tips from Mom

May 12th, 2017

Without a little motherly advice here and there, where would we be? The first person many of us go to for advice is Mom. There is something about how moms offer advice that puts our minds at ease while also helping us overcome whatever pressing issue we are dealing with. So, why not go to Mom for some advice when you are prepping for a big job interview?

Is Facebook the Next Big Platform for Recruiting?

Is Facebook the Next Big Platform for Recruiting?

May 11th, 2017

When you think of recruiting and social media, LinkedIn is the first platform that comes to mind. Some of you may use Twitter, as well. But what about Facebook? Is Facebook the next big platform for online recruiting? Will it become a popular place to search for jobs and connect with recruiters online? It has the potential.

Employee Retention: Why Employee Engagement Matters

Employee Retention: Why Employee Engagement Matters

May 9th, 2017

Employee disengagement is an issue. Putting a stop to the hiring turnstile and keeping your top employees in-house is a top priority.

5 Creative Ways for Marketers to Improve Their LinkedIn Presence

5 Creative Ways for Marketers to Improve Their LinkedIn Presence

May 5th, 2017

Are you looking for a new project? Perhaps you’re considering a career move? Or you may be thinking ahead and want to position yourself effectively amid the large pool of marketing talent. Either way, if you want to get noticed, LinkedIn is a great place to start, and there are a lot of creative ways for you to improve your LinkedIn presence and stand out from the crowd. It’s also easier than you think.

Why Location Matters When Recruiting

Why Location Matters When Recruiting

May 4th, 2017

We all know that housing prices in Toronto and across the GTA are out of control. Housing prices, in general, are on the rise in Ontario. So, why are we writing about housing prices? Because it is one of the many factors that impacts talent when considering a new position, and it’s starting to become a bigger issue in Toronto.

Overcoming Self-Doubt to Become a Successful Finance Professional

Overcoming Self-Doubt to Become a Successful Finance Professional

April 27th, 2017

Self-doubt happens to the best of us and at all levels – CEOs, managers, and finance professionals alike. The key to overcoming it, and understanding how to address it, is to not let it consume us.

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