The Most Challenging Part of My Job as a Headhunter

The Most Challenging Part of My Job as a Headhunter

January 14th, 2016

One of the most challenging parts of my job as a headhunter isn’t when I have to tell somebody they didn’t get the job, nor is it the hundreds of interviews I have to do every month. The most difficult part is when I have to stall willing and eager top quality candidates on behalf of a slow-moving client.

What to Say When a Headhunter Calls Looking for Business

What to Say When a Headhunter Calls Looking for Business

January 12th, 2016

While some may be inclined to hang up the phone or delete the email immediately and go on with their day, this could be mistake. Even if your company is not hiring right now, you will likely need to hire people in the future.

4 Things the Recruiting Business Must Change in 2016

4 Things the Recruiting Business Must Change in 2016

January 8th, 2016

The recruiting business is not without it warts. There are still many companies and recruiters using dated recruiting processes. If you are a company using these processes or if you are working with a recruiter who is out of touch with the new realities of recruiting, you could be doing yourself a disservice and missing out on top industry talents – both of which could hurt your company going forward.

5 Proactive Ways Companies Can Improve Recruiter Relations in 2016

5 Proactive Ways Companies Can Improve Recruiter Relations in 2016

January 7th, 2016

While a company’s hiring managers and recruiters play a similar role in the hiring process, they often get in each other’s way, potentially impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of hiring the right person for the job

5 Steps to Making a Career Change

5 Steps to Making a Career Change

January 5th, 2016

These days, people are not just looking for a job that pays the bills – they are looking for a career that aligns with their goals and interests; something that provides meaning and value to…

5 Recruiter Approved Ways to Do Reference Checks Properly

5 Recruiter Approved Ways to Do Reference Checks Properly

January 1st, 2016

Reference checks are part of the hiring process. Some view them as an essential part of the hiring process; others treat them as a complete waste of time. The truth is you get out of them what you put into the process.

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Commit to Your Employees’ Career Paths

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Commit to Your Employees’ Career Paths

December 29th, 2015

Each month we’ll share a little from each of the seven steps. This month: why it’s important to learn about and commit to each one of your employees’ career paths in order to keep them engaged!

6 Job Search Predictions for 2016

6 Job Search Predictions for 2016

December 22nd, 2015

Where is recruiting and job searching heading in 2016? It’s a question that companies and candidates are starting to think about as the year comes to a close. Staying on top of the latest job search trends can help companies find an ideal candidate and help job seekers get an edge in a crowded candidate pool.

Start the New Year off Right with These 6 Hiring Resolutions for 2016

Start the New Year off Right with These 6 Hiring Resolutions for 2016

December 10th, 2015

Making real change and helping your organization evolve and renew its organizational culture starts with hiring new talent.

Hire Better