4 Incentives Marketers Value Just as Much as Money

4 Incentives Marketers Value Just as Much as Money

October 6th, 2015

Incentive programs set goals and performance standards, make you an attractive company to work for, and help shape a strong organizational culture. The key is to offer the right incentives. Sure, free lunches, company swag, and tickets to events are great, but the key is to use incentives that have a long term impact.

IQ PARTNERS named a PROFIT 500 Fastest-Growing Company

IQ PARTNERS named a PROFIT 500 Fastest-Growing Company

September 17th, 2015

IQ PARTNERS is proud to be named a PROFIT 500 Fastest-Growing Company by Canadian Business and PROFIT for the fourth time. Published in the October issue of Canadian Business and at PROFITguide.com, the PROFIT 500 ranks Canadian businesses by their five-year revenue growth.

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Seek Feedback

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Seek Feedback

September 15th, 2015

We created a seven step guide to recruiter-proof your business using research and first-hand interviews with top companies like Google, Deloitte, LoyaltyOne, TD Bank, and Achievers. Each month we’ll share a little from each of the seven steps. This month: why it’s important to create a culture of transparency and seek employee feedback!

A Headhunter’s Guide to Lateral Hiring

A Headhunter’s Guide to Lateral Hiring

September 10th, 2015

A lateral hire is someone hired “from the side”, meaning at the same experience and wage level as their previous job. As most hiring managers and HR professionals know, luring a top candidate away from their current job to one with the same salary and title can require a bit of finesse. Here are my top tips on how to complete a successful lateral hire, starting from the first point of contact, the job posting.

What to do When an Interview is Going Really Badly

What to do When an Interview is Going Really Badly

September 3rd, 2015

Perhaps you’re late to the interview, you haven’t had a chance to review the candidate’s resume, or you call him “Dan” instead of “Derek”. This is a senior level position, Derek is a seasoned professional and you can tell he’s annoyed.
The best thing you can do is apologize and be upfront. Say something along the lines of, “Please excuse my tardiness, you’ve caught me on a bad day. Would you like to reschedule or are you okay to continue?”

Step 1 to Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Forewarned is Forearmed!

Step 1 to Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Forewarned is Forearmed!

August 11th, 2015

“I’ve lost four employees to you headhunters in three months. None of them would have left if a headhunter hadn’t lured them away!”

As headhunters, we hear this a lot. The reality is, there just isn’t enough A+ talent to go around, so they will always be in demand… and headhunters will always call.

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

July 23rd, 2015

Some business leaders believe there is such thing as the “perfect hire” with the perfect qualifications, experience, personality, and culture fit. We call this the quest for the unicorn. This one is mostly false. Unicorn hires are not just incredibly rare, but they can be virtually impossible to attract and move.

A Guide to Hiring Around the World

A Guide to Hiring Around the World

June 4th, 2015

A job isn’t just a job. It’s a place where we spend most of our time, and in many cases, a job can relocate an entire family across the world. As a headhunter specialized in international search, part of my job is making sure I make the right match not only between employer and employee but also between employee and location. Here is what you should consider when hiring an ex-pat.

Avoid These 4 Hiring Mistakes

Avoid These 4 Hiring Mistakes

May 28th, 2015

I once worked with a technology organization that hired large volumes of sales representatives on an ongoing basis. This company had agreed on the basic definition of an ideal candidate, but still individual hiring managers often inserted personal biases that were largely unimportant. Things like…

Hire Better