Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part II

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part II

February 10th, 2015

Last week I wrote about the Do’s and Don’ts of How to Land a Candidate, with tips like be prepared, be visionary; don’t be casual or negative. To take it a step further, I want to be specific about what to say and not to say to land that top candidate.

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part I

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part I

February 5th, 2015

We’ve all been there. You are interviewing for an important hire. And then you meet “The One,” the candidate you want. The one you know is right for the role in addition to being someone you like and will enjoy working with. And then you realize you have to make this candidate want the job as much as you want this candidate. To complicate matters, this realization usually arrives during the interview. You need to be prepared. Here are 8 tips on what to do and what not to do if you want to land the candidate.

Hire Wisdom: Retain Your Employees with 8 Small Changes

Hire Wisdom: Retain Your Employees with 8 Small Changes

January 15th, 2015

It’s easy for business leaders to get caught up in day-to-day business needs and forget that leading and developing their team is just as important as that quarterly report that’s due next week. Your top employees are getting calls from your competition, so it’s important to give them a reason to stay. How? By hiring the right people, being available to them, and committing to their development. Use these 8 employee engagement and retention strategies to develop and retain your top talent.

4 Ways to Write (& Receive) More Professional Emails

4 Ways to Write (& Receive) More Professional Emails

January 8th, 2015

In a text message world, our collective outlook on email has become increasingly casual. But this can have real implications in a professional setting, in terms of the practical dissemination of information, productivity, and perception. To help you simplify your life in 2015, here are 4 quick and easy reminders to help you write (and receive) more professional emails.

Top 5 Blog Posts from 2014

Top 5 Blog Posts from 2014

December 18th, 2014

In these 5 popular posts from 2014, IQ PARTNERS headhunters touch on hot industry topics from 2014 with tips and information for job seekers and talent seekers alike.

Hire Wisdom: New Employee Onboarding – How to Hit the Ground Running

Hire Wisdom: New Employee Onboarding – How to Hit the Ground Running

December 11th, 2014

The first day on a new job can be tough for new employees, but it doesn’t have to be. Onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire into the company and helping them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders. There is certainly a range in terms of how and how well companies onboard. Most of us have had experiences on both ends of the spectrum at some point in our careers… so we know that effective onboarding makes a world of difference, both in productivity and feeling “at home”, engaged, competent, and committed.

Top 5 Interview Questions to Find the Right Candidate for the Job

Top 5 Interview Questions to Find the Right Candidate for the Job

December 4th, 2014

Preparation breeds success which is why finding employees who fit perfectly with a company’s goals and culture is the largest contributor to a company’s long term success. In this blog I will outline the top questions headhunters should be asking to find the best fit candidate for the job.

Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

Hire Wisdom: How to Get More Out of Your Next Reference Check

November 27th, 2014

Key 10 in my blog series, Hire Wisdom: The 12 Keys to Successful Hiring, is Perform Reference Checks. When I started writing this blog post, all I kept thinking was…“How can I get people to care about reference checks?” That’s because conducting reference checks have become one of the least meaningful parts of the hiring process. People have started to think of them as a final box to check, a task to “get out of the way” when the candidate has all but signed on the dotted line… but they’re wrong! Thinking of reference checks this way is a missed opportunity. Remember, a bad hire is costly, both in time and money – the cost of attrition is one to three times an employee’s salary!

How to Attract Top Talent Using Your Company Brand

How to Attract Top Talent Using Your Company Brand

October 30th, 2014

It just makes sense that the best talent in the marketplace want to work with the best companies… and they are never short on offers. This is, of course, because top performing groups of talent are really what drive positive business growth, and continue the cycle of attracting the best people, which leads to ongoing success in business.
As a company in a competitive market you want to make sure top candidates are drawn to you as a destination employer. How?

Hire Better