3 Key Hiring Insights from LinkedIn’s Head of Recruiting
Recently, LinkedIn’s head of recruiting, Brendan Browne, shares a few of his insights about the current state of recruiting – including where most recruiters are falling short.
Recently, LinkedIn’s head of recruiting, Brendan Browne, shares a few of his insights about the current state of recruiting – including where most recruiters are falling short.
Having an effective talent retention plan is vital for the success of your organization. A revolving door of new hires and people leaving your company is not good for business or your brand reputation. Unfortunately for you, good employees quit. They not only quit, they also take with them a wealth of knowledge and experience to your competitors – which can be a double-edged sword.
Great marketing is vital in 2017. With people savvy to standard or traditional marketing tactics, companies need an effective, reliable and innovative marketing team to make an impact. This starts with attracting top marketing talent to your organization.
If you want your company to thrive, you need to hire finance professionals based on more than just their ability to work with numbers. Top candidates also need to bring something else to the table that can potentially help your company.
If you are serious about making a career change, you need to approach it the right way. Changing jobs “just because,” if you are being pressured by others, or just to get away from a job or boss you don’t like could cause you to make a rash decision – one that could have future career repercussions.
If you are thinking about making a move, there is no better time than now to make a career change, and 2017 is looking like a great time to take that leap. 2017 projects to be a good year for job seekers, particularly for the following three reasons.
Things will not remain static, and it’s important to stay on top of finance industry trends and the potential challenges they could present. Our finance and accounting recruiters have put together a list of some of the trends finance professionals need to pay attention to in 2017.
The goal of hiring is to find the best talent possible – the person(s) that will help fill the void in your company and help you meet your objectives. However, with so much competition, and with recruiting practices ever-evolving, it can be difficult to stay on top of things – and difficult to find the talent you need for your company to thrive.
The modern workplace is very different from what professionals expected and experienced only a few years ago, and it has changed significantly since the millennium. So what is in store for 2017? Our recruiters have put together a list of workplace trends that could take hold this year: