What Does the New Liberal Majority Government Mean for the Job Market?

What Does the New Liberal Majority Government Mean for the Job Market?

November 3rd, 2015

A change in government could re-energize companies’ confidence in the economy, and this new spending mindset by the Liberals could have a filter down effect, resulting in companies investing in new hires in the coming year.

A Headhunter’s Guide to Lateral Hiring

A Headhunter’s Guide to Lateral Hiring

September 10th, 2015

A lateral hire is someone hired “from the side”, meaning at the same experience and wage level as their previous job. As most hiring managers and HR professionals know, luring a top candidate away from their current job to one with the same salary and title can require a bit of finesse. Here are my top tips on how to complete a successful lateral hire, starting from the first point of contact, the job posting.

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

July 23rd, 2015

Some business leaders believe there is such thing as the “perfect hire” with the perfect qualifications, experience, personality, and culture fit. We call this the quest for the unicorn. This one is mostly false. Unicorn hires are not just incredibly rare, but they can be virtually impossible to attract and move.

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

July 16th, 2015

LA-based mobile entertainment company, Scopely, offers the following to new recruits:
$11,000 signing bonus, in bacon wrapped cash
A year supply of beer
A custom made tuxedo
A spear gun

Innovative Ways to Attract Talent

Innovative Ways to Attract Talent

May 14th, 2015

It is no secret that competition for the best talent has never been fiercer. Innovative companies are going to greater lengths than ever to attract and retain the best of the best, so how do you keep up? In this blog I’ll break down where to start with your talent acquisition plan and how companies are thinking outside the box to attract the very best in the market.

IQ In the News: Ross Campbell on Credit Checks to Screen Job Applicants

IQ In the News: Ross Campbell on Credit Checks to Screen Job Applicants

May 12th, 2015

IQ PARTNERS’ Ross Campbell was asked by CBC Radio – The Current to speak on the widespread use of credit checks to screen job applicants in Canada. He contributes to the dialogue from the point of view of a Financial Services & Insurance recruiter, an industry that relies heavily on credit checks in employment screening.

The Best Interview Technique There Is

The Best Interview Technique There Is

April 23rd, 2015

So you’re looking to hire a new team member. You (or your HR department) have screened candidates and identified the top players in the industry, and now it’s time to interview. Your mind may drift toward strategies you’ve used in the past, or what you remember from being interviewed: “What are your top 3 strengths and weaknesses” or “tell me about a time…”
Stop. There’s a better way.

6 Things To Do While You Wait To Hear Back On A Job

6 Things To Do While You Wait To Hear Back On A Job

April 16th, 2015

A company you’d like to work for has just interviewed you. Now the waiting game begins. As a candidate, the next few days can be stressful as you keep checking your phone or email inbox for any news. But there are things you could do to ease the uncertainty … and they might even help you land the job.

4 HR Thought Leaders You MUST Follow

4 HR Thought Leaders You MUST Follow

April 9th, 2015

There has never been so much online content to choose from and only so many hours in a day. To help you cut through the noise, I’ve compiled a list of the top 4 HR leaders you should start following, my favourite posts, and how to follow them.

Hire Better