13 Tips From A Headhunter On How To Ace A Phone Interview

13 Tips From A Headhunter On How To Ace A Phone Interview

March 5th, 2015

You’re a job candidate being screened over the phone by a recruiter or hiring manager. How do you make a good impression when the only touch point is your voice? Phone interviews can be intimidating but they don’t have to be. As recruiters, we’re on the phone all day long. We’ve heard our share of great phone screenings … along with not-so-great ones. A good recruiter will work with you to make the process smoother.

IQ In the News: Carly-Anne Fairlie on Landing Your Dream Job

IQ In the News: Carly-Anne Fairlie on Landing Your Dream Job

February 19th, 2015

Last month IQ PARTNERS PR & Marketing Recruiter, Carly-Anne Fairlie, wrote a guest post for This Beautiful Day lifestyle blog on 10 Tips for Landing Your Dream Job. In it she provides job seekers with advice on how to craft the perfect resume, job search tips, and how to wow in an interview.

Interview Tips From a Headhunter: 8 Things Rock Star Candidates Always Do

Interview Tips From a Headhunter: 8 Things Rock Star Candidates Always Do

November 13th, 2014

As a headhunter, you recognize them almost as soon as you meet them. That rock star candidate who will stand out from the rest and be much more likely to be offered the job. Why? Because the top notch candidates, the ones with passion as well as prowess, share a number of common characteristics.

13 Tough Interview Questions & How to Handle Them

13 Tough Interview Questions & How to Handle Them

October 2nd, 2014

As a headhunter, I screen and interview candidates regularly, so I know first-hand about putting candidates on the spot with difficult questions… and how stressful it can be! The only way to handle tough questions is to be as prepared as possible. In this post I’ve outlined the 13 toughest questions interviewers almost always ask, and provided guidance on how to answer them.

4 Tips to Prepare for Any Job Interview

4 Tips to Prepare for Any Job Interview

September 25th, 2014

As a headhunter I give interview advice every day, and over four years in the business I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Here are my top interview prep tips, with some very specific advice on how to set yourself up for success in an interview. Better yet, the advice is valid for any discipline and any level of seniority. Here we go…

Stop Acting like a Loser:  6 Ways to Get out of Your (Job Search) Slump

Stop Acting like a Loser: 6 Ways to Get out of Your (Job Search) Slump

July 24th, 2014

I have an admission to make; in the past, I have acted like a loser. Let me explain.

A few months ago, I was in a slump. Though I have been successful in my career, and I have been blessed to work with wonderful co-workers and clients, a slump seems to come around every 2-3 years whether I like it or not. And this slump was a bad one. In spite of knowing better, I chose to act like a loser.

So, how does this relate to you and your job search? Here is how I (incorrectly) handled my slump:

Be Careful What You Say! The Real Effects of Badmouthing in an Interview

Be Careful What You Say! The Real Effects of Badmouthing in an Interview

July 3rd, 2014

Having been in the headhunting industry for nearly 20 years, it takes a lot to shock or surprise me during an interview. I have a tendency to credit myself with “having seen it all”. Every so often, though, I meet someone that throws me a curveball – in good and/or bad ways – and that makes me reflect on just how unique every person that we meet is.

How to Effectively Change Career Paths

How to Effectively Change Career Paths

June 12th, 2014

As a recruiter, I get this question all the time. I head up the IT group, so for example I’ll often be approached by a Java Developer who would like to become an Oracle DBA. No matter what industry you’re in, the question for candidates remains the same … what’s the best way to go about changing the direction of my career?

Should I Take the First Offer or Should I Negotiate?

Should I Take the First Offer or Should I Negotiate?

May 1st, 2014

You interviewed for a great job that scores checkmarks all around on your career wish list. So when you get the call that the job is yours, do you simply agree to sign on the dotted line? Or should you negotiate the terms of your contract to see how much more you can improve the offer?

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