6 Steps to the Perfect Sales Call
By Elaine Bellio, Toronto Sales Recruiter In 2007 it took an average of 3.68 cold call attempts to reach a prospect. Today it takes 8 attempts — a frustrating reality for even the most seasoned…
By Elaine Bellio, Toronto Sales Recruiter In 2007 it took an average of 3.68 cold call attempts to reach a prospect. Today it takes 8 attempts — a frustrating reality for even the most seasoned…
Location matters in the recruitment industry. Most top job candidates in their industries want to live in big cities and locations that are the heart of their industry. They want to be in the middle of the action and be in a place where there are ample career opportunities.
Making a hiring mistake is costly. It costs your company time, resources, productivity, and MONEY. As you are already well aware, people are the most valuable asset in your organization, and if you fail to attract talented people (at all levels of your organization), it can and will have an impact on organizational culture, business performance, and your bottom line.
Whether you are a top level executive, talented professional or up-and-comer in the finance industry, you could find yourself in the interesting position of being recruited by a company. It’s a good situation to be in; however, many finance professionals tend to be unclear about what to do next.
Reading a resume will only tell you so much about a candidate. To really get a sense of what a marketer is all about and what they can offer, you need to bring them in for an interview
Before you become the Chief Marketing Officer at a multinational organization, you need to work your way up. All current C-level executives didn’t start at the top, and the best executives worked their way up over time, gaining valuable experience in the process.
Social media plays a profound role in today’s marketplace. It has its advantages and its disadvantages for job seekers. While it’s a great resource for job postings, networking, and to identify career opportunities, it could also be the reason why you are disqualified as a candidate
Even though hiring managers have the best of intentions, they often face barriers that prevent them from gaining access to the best candidates and hiring the right people.
Networking events can be polarizing. Some people love them, others hate them, but they provide you with the opportunity to get out and talk to new people