Are Non-Compete Clauses a Thing of the Past?

Are Non-Compete Clauses a Thing of the Past?

March 8th, 2016

Non-compete clauses are a common part of many employment contracts. They are in place to protect a company’s best interests and ensure trade secrets and confidential information don’t make their way to competitors when an employee departs. But are they really necessary anymore? Are they fair?

The Importance of Proper Onboarding of Marketing Professionals

The Importance of Proper Onboarding of Marketing Professionals

March 4th, 2016

Hiring a marketing professional doesn’t mean that you have found the right person to fill the void in your organization. Onboarding will tell you whether or not you have hired the right marketing candidate.

4 Ways To Maintain An Outstanding Reference List

4 Ways To Maintain An Outstanding Reference List

March 3rd, 2016

Having great references is essential if you want to land your dream job and make the ascent up the corporate ladder. While most job candidates are diligent with polishing their resume and cover letter and updating it each time they go on a job interview, many also overlook the importance of maintaining good references over the long term.

What Does a Headhunter Really Need to Know About You?

What Does a Headhunter Really Need to Know About You?

March 1st, 2016

The truth is you can tell them as much or as little as you want, but if you are not upfront and honest, you risk hurting your relationship with them and losing out on a source of leads for potential jobs in your field.

4 Insightful Hiring Lessons From American Idol

4 Insightful Hiring Lessons From American Idol

February 25th, 2016

Now in their Farewell Season, American Idol actually has a lot in common with the recruiting industry. In what is very much an extended job interview search for the next big music star, there is a lot that companies and hiring managers can learn about hiring from the show – believe it or not.

6 Career Advice Quotes from the World’s Most Successful People

6 Career Advice Quotes from the World’s Most Successful People

February 23rd, 2016

We could all use some career advice from time to time. Whether it’s simply for motivation, to gain a new perspective, or to get help with a specific career issue, there is no shortage of people willing to help. If you want to get the best advice it’s a good idea to listen to what the world’s best business leaders have to say

6 Things Companies Need to Do Before Sending a Job to a Headhunter

6 Things Companies Need to Do Before Sending a Job to a Headhunter

February 19th, 2016

You have a job vacancy. Someone has either been promoted, moved on or was fired. Now you are faced with filling a void. However, before you hit the speed dial button and send the new job opening to a headhunter, it’s important to get things organized on your end.

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Replace Departing Rockstars – Fast!

Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Replace Departing Rockstars – Fast!

February 18th, 2016

Each month we’ll share a little from each of the seven steps. This month: If steps 1-6 have failed and one of your Rockstars does leave, have a system in place to replace them FAST!

5 Headhunter Approved Tips to Become a Rockstar Finance Job Candidate

5 Headhunter Approved Tips to Become a Rockstar Finance Job Candidate

February 16th, 2016

Everyone wants to be that rockstar job candidate whom the top companies in the industry are fighting over. We want to be sought after; we want to be a big deal. But, if you want to get to this point in your career, you need to go above and beyond if you want to stand out among the hundreds or even thousands of other finance job candidates who want to work for the same company and get the same jobs as you.

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