The 7 Best Interview Moments in Movies

The 7 Best Interview Moments in Movies

August 13th, 2015

Like only Vince Vaughan can, he and Owen Wilson’s character ramble their way through the Google interview question, “You’re shrunken down to the size of nickels and thrown into a blender – what do you do?”

Takeaway: In the face of even the most ridiculous questions, don’t try to ramble your way through it – 90% of the time it will be nonsense. We’ve all been there. Stop, think, and start over.

Step 1 to Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Forewarned is Forearmed!

Step 1 to Recruiter-Proof Your Business: Forewarned is Forearmed!

August 11th, 2015

“I’ve lost four employees to you headhunters in three months. None of them would have left if a headhunter hadn’t lured them away!”

As headhunters, we hear this a lot. The reality is, there just isn’t enough A+ talent to go around, so they will always be in demand… and headhunters will always call.

Talking Salary with Your Headhunter

Talking Salary with Your Headhunter

August 6th, 2015

Recently there’s been a lot written about headhunters and salary. Should you disclose? Should you negotiate directly with the hiring manager? Here’s my best advice on how to be the most successful in talking salary with a headhunter.

How to Get Found by a Headhunter on LinkedIn

How to Get Found by a Headhunter on LinkedIn

July 30th, 2015

For job seekers, having an optimized LinkedIn profile is your best bet to being found for a new opportunity… and even if you’re not job searching, you never know what connections or opportunities are out there. I spend a lot of time looking for candidates on LinkedIn, and I’m sharing the 4 fastest and easiest LinkedIn profile fixes that will help you get found by a headhunter.

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

True or False? 8 Hiring Myths You Can’t Stop Hearing About

July 23rd, 2015

Some business leaders believe there is such thing as the “perfect hire” with the perfect qualifications, experience, personality, and culture fit. We call this the quest for the unicorn. This one is mostly false. Unicorn hires are not just incredibly rare, but they can be virtually impossible to attract and move.

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

July 16th, 2015

LA-based mobile entertainment company, Scopely, offers the following to new recruits:
$11,000 signing bonus, in bacon wrapped cash
A year supply of beer
A custom made tuxedo
A spear gun

How to Ace a Skype Interview with a Headhunter

How to Ace a Skype Interview with a Headhunter

July 2nd, 2015

As IQ PARTNERS grows we are conducting more and more business internationally, and with that comes increasingly frequent Skype interviews. Having seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to Skype, here are 6 tips to ace a Skype interview with a headhunter.

6 Ways Resumes Have Changed (& What You Need to Know)

6 Ways Resumes Have Changed (& What You Need to Know)

June 25th, 2015

Only a few decades ago, applying for a job meant reaching for the classifieds and dusting off the old typewriter and fax machine. Needless to say, things have changed… and the resume and hiring process are constantly evolving. To help you keep up, I’ve outlined to the top 6 ways resumes have changed and what you need to know before your next job search.

How Do I Get Rid of My Headhunter?

How Do I Get Rid of My Headhunter?

June 11th, 2015

Sometimes a search just isn’t working out. Sometimes you’ve got the wrong headhunter who isn’t delivering or doesn’t understand your business. It’s time to cut your losses.

Hire Better