Paul Huffman

Paul Huffman

VP & Practice Lead
Recruitment Specialties
Go to market roles in the building materials, manufacturing, and construction industries.


Paul leads the IQ PARTNERS Building Materials & Construction Practice as well as our HR Services division, AugmentHR. Paul is equal parts passionate about talent attraction and retention and believes that the best hiring strategies should focus on both.

After decades in the trenches of talent acquisition at leading organizations including DeWalt, Stanley Black and Decker, and various dedicated executive search and recruitment firms, Paul’s mission became crystal clear -- to put an end to the transactional nature of the recruiting business. Through his incredible insight, extensive experience, compassion, and personality, he helps businesses and individuals avoid the suffering that comes from ill-fitting jobs and outdated hiring practices. You may recognize Paul from TalentHunt, which continues to run in partnership with IQ PARTNERS.

“With the humanity of a saint, the tenacity of pitbull and the insight of an oracle, Paul Huffman has a more perceptive and important take on hiring, and it’s impact on our lives and businesses than anyone, anywhere. Of that you can be certain.

- David Nason, CEO Hirebrain  


Rapport building, role-fit and understanding, and strong a bias for action.


Learning to say “no”.


Family and sports.