Work In Finance? Lies You Should Remove from Your Resume Now

Work In Finance? Lies You Should Remove from Your Resume Now

August 3rd, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter There is no shortage of finance and accounting professionals who lie on their resume. At the very least, they stretch the truth to fill in gaps and make themselves…

Career Advice for New Finance Professionals

Career Advice for New Finance Professionals

July 20th, 2018

By Danielle Bosley, Toronto Financial Recruiter Whether you are a new graduate or have made the transition from a different industry, being a new professional is challenging. The financial industry can be high pressure and…

How to Build Employee Loyalty in a Talent Strapped Finance Industry

How to Build Employee Loyalty in a Talent Strapped Finance Industry

July 10th, 2018

The financial industry is in a battle for talent, not only internally but externally. While it’s normal for competing financial organizations to vie for a talented candidate, the industry as a whole is struggling somewhat…

3 Summer Job Search Tips for Finance Professionals

3 Summer Job Search Tips for Finance Professionals

June 21st, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter Summer is typically a slower time of the year for hiring. Like many others, finance companies put hiring on the back burner during the summer months. People are on…

The Impact of Fintech on the Finance Industry

The Impact of Fintech on the Finance Industry

May 18th, 2018

By Ross Campbell, Toronto Financial Recruiter Technology is changing the way finance, accounting, and banking companies do business. Automation, artificial intelligence, and other forms of technology are causing organizations to alter their strategic direction, change…

5 Reasons Why Accounting Careers Are NOT Boring

5 Reasons Why Accounting Careers Are NOT Boring

April 19th, 2018

When people discuss careers they think would be boring, accounting-related roles often top the list. Most people assume accountants spend their days sitting at their desk crunching numbers. While this is definitely part of accounting…

Common But Misleading Accounting Career Myths

Common But Misleading Accounting Career Myths

March 20th, 2018

Accounting is boring. It’s only for people who are math experts. All you do is crunch numbers. These are some of the common myths you hear about accounting. And some of these myths scare people…

4 Ways to Sell Millennials on Your Finance Company Culture

4 Ways to Sell Millennials on Your Finance Company Culture

March 8th, 2018

By Danielle Bosley, Toronto Financial Recruiter Accounting and finance is not exactly the most exciting industry. But it certainly offers millennials a number of great career paths and opportunities. For many millennials today, the deciding…

Pros and Cons of Public vs. Private Accounting Jobs

Pros and Cons of Public vs. Private Accounting Jobs

February 8th, 2018

Working in accounting is a great career choice. The job market is strong, and there is ample opportunity for candidates. The industry is expected to grow and there is an increased demand within the industry…

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