Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part II

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part II

February 10th, 2015

Last week I wrote about the Do’s and Don’ts of How to Land a Candidate, with tips like be prepared, be visionary; don’t be casual or negative. To take it a step further, I want to be specific about what to say and not to say to land that top candidate.

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part I

Interview Do’s and Don’ts: How to Land the Candidate You Want – Part I

February 5th, 2015

We’ve all been there. You are interviewing for an important hire. And then you meet “The One,” the candidate you want. The one you know is right for the role in addition to being someone you like and will enjoy working with. And then you realize you have to make this candidate want the job as much as you want this candidate. To complicate matters, this realization usually arrives during the interview. You need to be prepared. Here are 8 tips on what to do and what not to do if you want to land the candidate.

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