3 Ways to Find the Needle in the Haystack in a Job Market Flush with Candidates

3 Ways to Find the Needle in the Haystack in a Job Market Flush with Candidates

August 25th, 2020

Is your company struggling to find a candidate who is the perfect fit for your company? Looking for that unicorn candidate who checks all the boxes? As a Toronto recruitment agency, we know how challenging…

7 Ways Your Hiring Practices Could Be Discriminatory (Even If You Don’t Know It)

7 Ways Your Hiring Practices Could Be Discriminatory (Even If You Don’t Know It)

July 24th, 2020

Black Lives Matter has brought to the forefront of an underlying issue that has existed in society for decades. We have a discrimination issue. Canada is no different. It exists in all areas of life,…

How to Safely Transition Your Employees Back to the Office in the COVID Era

How to Safely Transition Your Employees Back to the Office in the COVID Era

July 23rd, 2020

With COVID-19 restrictions beginning to loosen up across the country, and Ontario now entering Stage 3 of the COVID reopening plan, companies are starting to re-integrate employees back into the office. Many companies are working…

Tech Job Interview Coming Up? 3 Tips to Brush Up on Your Phone Interview Skills

Tech Job Interview Coming Up? 3 Tips to Brush Up on Your Phone Interview Skills

July 7th, 2020

Opportunities in the technology field have not slowed down because of the pandemic. Companies have realized that in order to stay competitive and adapt to the changing economy during COVID-19, they need to leverage technology….

5 Things Businesses Have Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic

5 Things Businesses Have Learned From the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 21st, 2020

COVID-19 caught most of us by surprise. We didn’t see it coming and many businesses did not have a plan in place for a pandemic of this nature. The situation taught us a lot about…

How IQ Partners is Supporting Clients and Candidates During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How IQ Partners is Supporting Clients and Candidates During the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 27th, 2020

Although the impact of COVID-19 has changed the way we operate internally, our team has worked hard to continue delivering best-in-class recruitment services for our clients and exemplary experiences for our candidates.  For the safety…

How to Improve Your Talent Pipeline During COVID-19

How to Improve Your Talent Pipeline During COVID-19

April 23rd, 2020

There is no doubt your recruiting strategy and priorities have changed. COVID-19 has forced many companies to re-assess their approach to recruiting and attracting talent. The type of candidates, level of experience, skill requirements, and…

How to Motivate Employees and Shape Your Company Culture During a Crisis

How to Motivate Employees and Shape Your Company Culture During a Crisis

April 3rd, 2020

It often takes a crisis for you to show your true colours. How you treat your employees during a crisis can shape your employer brand for years to come. Treat them well, and you’ll be…

How to Shift Business Operations During COVID-19

How to Shift Business Operations During COVID-19

March 24th, 2020

COVID-19 is on everyone’s mind. A lot has happened in a short period of time. It is undoubtedly having an impact on our personal and professional lives. As most anticipate, things are likely to get…

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