Want to Hire More Effectively? You’re Probably Not Doing This 1 Thing

Want to Hire More Effectively? You’re Probably Not Doing This 1 Thing

March 22nd, 2022

Employers across many industries are desperate to find workers. But they are running into a significant challenge in finding people willing to come work for them. Among organizations in this situation, they share one commonality:…

4 Worst Ways to Begin a Job Description

4 Worst Ways to Begin a Job Description

March 15th, 2022

Most employers believe they know how to write a job description. Most can. But can you write a really compelling job description that will capture the attention of top candidates in your industry? After all,…

Jobs That Increased Entry Level Salary Last Year

Jobs That Increased Entry Level Salary Last Year

March 1st, 2022

Salary plays an important role in the job search and recruiting process. It is an important consideration when people choose a career path and look for a job. As an employer, it’s important to offer…

Scaring People Away? 3 Strategies to Create a Low-Friction Hiring Process

Scaring People Away? 3 Strategies to Create a Low-Friction Hiring Process

November 18th, 2021

Your hiring process could be scaring people away and you may not even realize it. The goal is to have a low-friction hiring process that makes it easy for candidates to apply and interview for…

The 2-Page Resume: What to Keep & What to Cut

The 2-Page Resume: What to Keep & What to Cut

October 28th, 2021

Resume length has always been a topic job seekers want to know more about. People want to know what the perfect resume length should be. Should it be one page? What about two pages? The…

Nailed It! 6 Telltale Post-Interview Signs You’ll Get the Job

Nailed It! 6 Telltale Post-Interview Signs You’ll Get the Job

October 26th, 2021

Most people feel a huge sense of relief after they complete a job interview, especially if they think you performed well. One of the first things you think about as you exit the interview is…

Is This Employer the Real Deal? 5 Red Flags to Watch Out For

Is This Employer the Real Deal? 5 Red Flags to Watch Out For

September 2nd, 2021

Employers put a lot of time and resources into making sure they hire the best person for the job. As a candidate, you need to be just as diligent in determining whether a potential employer…

Interviewing for Multiple Jobs? 4 Things You NEED to Do

Interviewing for Multiple Jobs? 4 Things You NEED to Do

August 20th, 2021

It is common for job seekers to cast a wide net when looking for a job. You apply for multiple jobs at the same time in hopes of getting an interview or two. But when…

The Top 8 Trickiest Interview Questions to Answer

The Top 8 Trickiest Interview Questions to Answer

July 15th, 2021

The job interview process is stressful. You are meeting someone new for the first time and they are asking you challenging questions that you have to answer on the spot. Some questions are predictable, while…

Hire Better