Try LinkedIn’s Video Intro Feature to Get to Know Candidates Better

Try LinkedIn’s Video Intro Feature to Get to Know Candidates Better

December 17th, 2020

2020 has been the year of the video job interview. Zoom has become a household name, and if you conduct candidate interviews, it was likely from the comfort of your home or in an isolated…

Have an Inbox Full of Resumes? Here’s What to Do Next

Have an Inbox Full of Resumes? Here’s What to Do Next

November 5th, 2020

An inbox full of resumes is a good thing, right? Not necessarily. We all know there is a significant number of people out of work and there are just as many people open to making…

How to Keep Morale High as We Transition into Fall and Winter

How to Keep Morale High as We Transition into Fall and Winter

October 13th, 2020

Keeping morale high is always a challenge, but it’s been even more challenging this year. COVID-19 has had a huge impact on how and where we work. With all the uncertainty, it’s important for companies…

Ditch These 5 Buzzwords From Your Sales Resume (& Replace Them With These)

Ditch These 5 Buzzwords From Your Sales Resume (& Replace Them With These)

September 3rd, 2020

Looking for a job in sales? Are you working on your resume? The words you choose to include in your resume can impact how sales recruiters perceive you as a candidate. We all want to…

How Sales Professionals Can Bounce Back Quickly After a COVID Job Loss

How Sales Professionals Can Bounce Back Quickly After a COVID Job Loss

July 14th, 2020

Thousands of Canadians have experienced a job loss during COVID-19. Thousands more have had hours reduced, are working from home, and have had their job change. Sales is one industry in particular that has been…

5 Tips to Keep Your Remote Sales Workers Accountable

5 Tips to Keep Your Remote Sales Workers Accountable

June 18th, 2020

Managing a remote sales team is a different beast, especially if you are used to working with your team in person. COVID-19 has forced most sales teams to work remotely, presenting a number of unique…

How Executive Search Has Changed as Offices Remain Closed

How Executive Search Has Changed as Offices Remain Closed

June 11th, 2020

Much like all other hiring and recruiting practices, executive search has changed. The inability to meet face to face can have a big impact on an organization’s ability to effectively assess the quality of executive…

Winning the Interview

Winning the Interview

December 6th, 2018

We all want to win the interview. But sometimes, no matter how much preparation you do, you can get caught off guard. It happens to the best of us. There are so many questions that…

When Is the Best Time to Look for a Job?

When Is the Best Time to Look for a Job?

August 31st, 2017

By Rhys Metler, Toronto Sales Recruiter When to look for a job is a common question our recruiters receive, especially in today’s marketplace, where millennials and proactive professionals are always on the lookout for their…

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