4 Headhunter-Approved Tips to Avoid Losing Candidates to Counter Offers (video)

4 Headhunter-Approved Tips to Avoid Losing Candidates to Counter Offers (video)

December 20th, 2016

Counter offers are a candidate’s current employer’s effort to keep them – some offer, raise, or perk that might entice them to stay after they’ve already accepted a new job at another company. As headhunters we see this all too often, and unfortunately, it is usually the best, most senior candidates that are the most likely to be presented with a counter offer. Here are our 3 best tips companies can use to avoid losing their best candidates to counter offers.

What is Topgrading? A Headhunter Explains (video)

What is Topgrading? A Headhunter Explains (video)

October 21st, 2016

Topgrading, developed by Dr. Brandford Smart, is one of the best screening methods on the market. In fact, it’s the go-to technique for some of the top companies in the world, including GE and Microsoft. Click below to hear Sales Headhunter Rhys Metler break down what Topgrading is, and how we at IQ PARTNERS use it to help identify the best candidates for our clients.

3 Ways to Create Compelling Job Titles that Attract the Best Candidates

3 Ways to Create Compelling Job Titles that Attract the Best Candidates

June 28th, 2016

Kevin Walker, Director of Employee Insights at Indeed.com shared a great example of just that. He explains, “A company was advertising a position using the title ‘Marketing Coordinator 3’”, a vague title that could really mean anything. “By changing the title to ‘Marketing Event Coordinator’, the number of candidates that looked at the full job posting increased 300% for the organic listing, and 1000% on the sponsored listing”, said Walker.

5 Very Telling Interview Questions To Ask Candidates

5 Very Telling Interview Questions To Ask Candidates

June 2nd, 2016

To improve the effectiveness of interviews, you need to ask the right questions to properly vet candidates and assess their fit for the position you are trying to fill.

Start the New Year off Right with These 6 Hiring Resolutions for 2016

Start the New Year off Right with These 6 Hiring Resolutions for 2016

December 10th, 2015

Making real change and helping your organization evolve and renew its organizational culture starts with hiring new talent.

3 Useless Questions NOT to Ask Candidates During a Job Interview

3 Useless Questions NOT to Ask Candidates During a Job Interview

October 15th, 2015

You have a limited amount of time to learn as much as possible about a potential candidate – you don’t want to waste time asking questions that are not going to help you find the right candidate.

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

2 Hiring Trends to Avoid (& 3 to Adopt)

July 16th, 2015

LA-based mobile entertainment company, Scopely, offers the following to new recruits:
$11,000 signing bonus, in bacon wrapped cash
A year supply of beer
A custom made tuxedo
A spear gun

Should I Hire a Headhunter or Just Use HR?

Should I Hire a Headhunter or Just Use HR?

March 12th, 2015

Hiring managers have lots of options when it comes to finding top quality talent. You can leverage your personal network, employee referrals, social media (LinkedIn), online job boards, using HR, and of course… an excellent headhunter.
To help you decide, keep in mind that 2 things will never change:
1) The best candidates are not “looking” for a new career;
2) A poor hire is extremely costly to your organization.
… So you’ll need to invest some resources, whether they be time or money. Here are 3 points to consider when deciding, “should I hire a headhunter or just use HR?”

13 Tough Interview Questions & How to Handle Them

13 Tough Interview Questions & How to Handle Them

October 2nd, 2014

As a headhunter, I screen and interview candidates regularly, so I know first-hand about putting candidates on the spot with difficult questions… and how stressful it can be! The only way to handle tough questions is to be as prepared as possible. In this post I’ve outlined the 13 toughest questions interviewers almost always ask, and provided guidance on how to answer them.

Hire Better