Should You Hire for Personality or Skill?

Should You Hire for Personality or Skill?

May 24th, 2016

A common question that is debated in recruiting circles revolves around what you should focus on when hiring. Should you focus on hiring for personality or skill?

15 Recruiter Insights for Preparing for a Job Interview

15 Recruiter Insights for Preparing for a Job Interview

February 11th, 2016

Being a good interviewee is not just about how you present yourself and your actions on the day of the interview; it starts with proper preparation in the days leading up to it. Working with a recruiter can help you with the preparation.

5 Proactive Ways Companies Can Improve Recruiter Relations in 2016

5 Proactive Ways Companies Can Improve Recruiter Relations in 2016

January 7th, 2016

While a company’s hiring managers and recruiters play a similar role in the hiring process, they often get in each other’s way, potentially impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of hiring the right person for the job

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