3 Tips for Finance Professionals to Build a Strong Personal Brand

3 Tips for Finance Professionals to Build a Strong Personal Brand

December 21st, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter Your personal brand matters now more than ever. Finance professionals need to pay attention to what their personal brand is and how it can impact their career. Your personal…

3 Obvious Signs You Are in a Finance Career Rut

3 Obvious Signs You Are in a Finance Career Rut

November 22nd, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter Even the best of us get into a rut now and again. It’s not a place you want to be, especially professionally. Most financial professionals will have to work…

LinkedIn Profile Rules to Attract Recruiters

LinkedIn Profile Rules to Attract Recruiters

November 16th, 2018

LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for recruiting recruiters. If you are looking for a job, or even if you are open to exploring new career options, your LinkedIn profile needs to…

Career Advice for Young Accountants

Career Advice for Young Accountants

October 5th, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter From an outsider’s perspective, one would assume that an accountant’s career path is rather straightforward. You go to college, get a degree, get certification and work for a large…

Job Interview Tips: 4 Ways to Be an Authentic Candidate

Job Interview Tips: 4 Ways to Be an Authentic Candidate

August 23rd, 2018

People who have the ability to show their authentic self during job interviews more often than not make a good impression on the interviewer. However, many people find job interviews intimidating. They are outside their…

Work In Finance? Lies You Should Remove from Your Resume Now

Work In Finance? Lies You Should Remove from Your Resume Now

August 3rd, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter There is no shortage of finance and accounting professionals who lie on their resume. At the very least, they stretch the truth to fill in gaps and make themselves…

3 Summer Job Search Tips for Finance Professionals

3 Summer Job Search Tips for Finance Professionals

June 21st, 2018

By Steven Petroff, Toronto Financial Recruiter Summer is typically a slower time of the year for hiring. Like many others, finance companies put hiring on the back burner during the summer months. People are on…

Why the Onboarding Process Is More Important Than You Think

Why the Onboarding Process Is More Important Than You Think

June 12th, 2018

The recruiting process is continuous. It doesn’t stop once an employee is hired. It continues throughout the onboarding process. However, many organizations fail to fully utilize the onboarding process to properly integrate new employees into…

5 Recruiting Rules for Texting Job Candidates

5 Recruiting Rules for Texting Job Candidates

April 12th, 2018

Text messaging is one of the most effective and widely used forms of communication today. And millennials, a highly sought after group of candidates, are leading the way. So, it’s no surprise texting has become…

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